Inner Selfie
A Message From His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama

A Message From His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama
The key to a happier and more successful world is the growth of compassion. We do not need to become religious, nor do we need to believe in an ideology. All that is necessary is for each of us to develop our good human qualities.
Smile, Friendly smile, genuine smile, compassionate smile. This, God gave to us. Its is a gift. We have compassion and expression. Inner peace for our love, smile. So, some people say that laughing smiling, all these things are good for our health. Genuine loving smile and loving face we really must give each other, with happiness and joyfulness.
Human beings are social animals. Our human nature is to be a social animal. We need friends. Friendships not based on money, no based on physical strength, not based on education but based on kindness.
Altruism and respect all other human beings. A sense of oneness of humanity, is very important.
We can do that.
Tenzin Gyataso. His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama.

360 Sound Design
VR Film Sound Design
This short film features Tenzin Gyataso, His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama.
He speaks of a world were compassion is the key for growth of happiness. A compassionate world is a world full of happiness and peace.
Beautiful, complimentary music composed by Henry Bennet, supplements the Dalai Lamas message, whilst the atmospheric and absorbing sound design provides a gentle background to allow the simple yet powerful words to sink in.
The VFX, produced by VR City, surround and comfort the viewer, enriching and enrolling their experience and welcoming them into the Dalai Lama’s world of peace and tranquility.
Multiple monks praying and chanting, beautiful soundscapes and wondrous images of harmony capture the essence of the Dalia Lama’s message.
The film produces a fitting image of wonderment and enlightenment. Whilst the monks in training provide a beautiful interlude to the words of the Dalai Lama.
A simple yet engaging film, with a profound sense of well being.
Film Production: VR City and Stateless Studios
Director: Babak Zand Goodarzi and Domonic Dowbekin
Producer: Ashley Cowan
Other work
VR Film Sound Design

Dalai Lama. Centre for Compassion
The basis of Compassion
There is no need to talk about God. No need to talk about Buddha. We need only to organise that, just as myself wish to be happy and not to suffer, so do all others. This is the basis of compassion.
All faiths
The Dalai Lama Centre is nonpartisan and nonconfessional, and is committed to supporting contributions bearing on compassion and related values from all faith traditions and none.